social media marketing

Social media marketing works if you do it correctly. There are several keys to this, but one important one is to take advantage of as many different types of social media marketing as possible.

Social Media Marketing-What Is Working

With this in mind here are 7 of the top ways to do social media marketing right now!

1. Blogging. You are on my blog right now. In many cases blogs are websites. This is because of the great templates available from Word Press.

Blogging is a great way to build your brand. Keep your posts relevant to the theme of your blog. Then bookmark each post into the top social sites so people can find them.

2. Social networks. The main ones to focus on are Facebook, Google Plus, and LinkedIn.

social media marketing

From a search engine standpoint Google Plus makes sense. From a traffic standpoint Facebook is the largest social network in the world with over 1 Billion members.

3. Video sharing. You Tube is the 3rd most visited site on the web every month so you want to get your videos published there.

Go one step further and post the video on your blog as well. Google owns You Tube and will spider your blog more often when you have a video on it. Plus your blog looks better and provides more value with videos on it.

4. Discussion forums. This is a great form of social media marketing.

Join a handful of forums that relate well to the niche your blog is in. Use forum marketing to properly interact with other members and drive traffic to your blog.

social media marketing

5. Micro blogging. Twitter is where you do this in 140 characters or less. One trick is to put the link to your blog post in the middle of the tweet to increase your click thru rate by up to 25%.

6. Photo sharing. Join Pinterest and get started sharing photos and driving traffic from them. With over 140 million visitors every month many bloggers report this is the TOP source of their traffic.

7. Email marketing. Build a list of email subscribers and keep in contact with them.

People will still subscribe to your list if you have something of value to offer them. Once you have them on your list take advantage by sending them offers to products you sell, or just to refer them to a blog update you have made.

These are 7 of the top social media marketing tactics that are working right now. Use as many of them as possible to increase your blog traffic!

Social Media Marketing: Top 7 Ways That Are Working Right Now!

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